Ultra Base Navigation has been installed on our Blackboard Staging environment so interested staff can preview and test the new Welcome Page.

  1. Navigate to https://saas-stage.learn.uq.edu.au/ultra/
  2. Log in with your UQ username and password.
  3. Three introduction pages will be displayed the first time you access Staging.
    • Click on the down arrow
    • Click on the down arrow
    • Click on the Get Started! button
  4. Two tips will be displayed, click anywhere on the screen to remove them.

staging blackboard welcome page update

Other differences to note in the staging environment:

  • The courses displayed are copies of courses from https://learn.uq.edu.au/ in July 2022.
  • The menu has red instead of purple highlights to distinguish it from the production environment
  • The Institution page is currently being developed and is currently blank.
  • No student access.

Note: The Staging environment is not an active environment and is used for testing only. Any changes made in the staging environment will not be reflected or accessible in the regular https://learn.uq.edu.au/ production environment.


If you have any questions regarding the new 'Ultra Base Navigation', or are a related support unit that would like to have input, please take this opportunity to contact the project team: projects@elearning.uq.edu.au