Link Ed Discussion to your Learn.UQ course

  1. Log in to your Learn.UQ.
  2. Click on the plus button on the Course Content page. Note: It is recommended that Ed Discussion should be added underneath the Course Profile.

  1. Select the Content market from the list.

  1. Locate the Ed Discussion tool. Click on the plus button to add Ed Discussion to your course.

  1. The Ed Discussion link will be displayed in your Course Content page.
  2. Click on the three-dot (...) button.
  3. Select the Edit button.

  1. The edit setting will be displayed.
  2. Select the Visible to students option
  3. Enter a brief instruction to the Description textbox; e.g. We use Ed Discussion for course discussion and Q&A in this course. Please click on the link to contribute or ask questions. Note: The text cannot be formatted.
  4. Click on the Save button.

  1. The Ed Discussion link will be visible to students with the instructions in your Course Content page.

Activate Ed Discussion for your course

  1.  Click on the Ed Discussion link.
  2. Click on the Activate button to activate your discussion board.

Note: Activating Ed Discussion Board does NOT make your Learn.UQ course available to students.

activate further

Tip: To inform students of the new discussion board, post an announcement in Learn.UQ. Refer to the Announcements guide.

Hi everyone,

We're using Ed Discussion for class Q&A.

This is the best place to ask questions about the course, whether curricular or administrative. You will get faster answers here from staff and peers than through email.

Here are some tips:

  • Search before you post,
  • Heart questions and answers you find useful,
  • Answer questions you feel confident answering,
  • Share interesting course related content with staff and peers.

For more information on Ed Discussion, you can refer to the Quick Start Guide.

All the best this semester!

  1. As you will not be using the Blackboard Discussions, you will need to make a post in the Discussions page to let students know. Please follow the Create Discussions guide for detailed instructions.

  1. When students click on the Discussions page in your Learn.UQ course, they will see the post to re-direct them to the Ed Discussion board.