In accordance with current UQ policy old course data is periodically purged from UQ systems (eLearning procedure 3.80.08 - Section 3.5 Archiving of Concluded Course Sites and Online Course Materials). The next planned purge is scheduled for the end of October 2021, when ITS is planning to purge old archived course site data that falls outside policy requirements specified (4 years online, 2 years offline).

This purge will include permanent removal of:

  • HTML Archived courses from 2009-2016 stored on
  • Offline zip archives from 2009-2015

ITS is building a new automated archive system for older courses. More information on the new archive will be released when its available. 

13/12/2021: Purge of HTML archive files started

20/12/2021: Purge of HTML archive files complete

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