At the beginning of semester, it is beneficial to establish student expectations regarding communications and convey these to students via an announcement.

Some example expectations might include: 

  • All non-personal messages should be posted to the Blackboard discussions / Ed discussion so all students can benefit from responses.
  • Personal messages should be directed to the course coordinator via email, with both the course code and topic in the subject line (without this, the email may get lost or delayed). 
  • If you are enquiring about an extension, please follow the instructions listed in the Extension Policy which is available in the Course Profile. 
  • The course coordinator's office hours are posted on the Course Staff page within the Learn.UQ (Blackboard) course site. 
  • The course coordinator will communicate the days on which they will check the Blackboard discussions / Ed discussions and in which discussion boards informal chatting can take place.
  • Check your UQ email account daily, as communications sent to UQ email addresses will be considered 'received' within 24 hours of sending. 
  • Please ensure you abide by the Student Code of Conduct when engaging with staff and students.