Most tools in Blackboard are already available to instructors. This guide will go through the process of enabling a tool so that they are visible and staff and students will be able to use them in their Learn.UQ site.  

  1. From the Control Panel click on Customisation > Tool Availability

Control panel, tool availability

  1. The table shows four main columns:
    • Available: Allows you to make the tool available.
    • Visible to Guests:  indicates if the tool will be visible to users with guest access.
    • Visible to Observers:  indicates if the tool will be visible to users with observer access.
    • Available in Content Area: tool is accessible from the content area.
  2. Click on the checkbox of the required tool in the Available column i.e Media Gallery. 

Click on the checkbox of the required tool in the Available column

  1. Click on the Submit button. 

Click on the Submit button.