System AdminCourse AdminSuper-tutorTutorCoordinatorStudent
Create/edit/delete cohortsYesYes    

Create/edit users
(excludes students)


Manage org structure/frameworks/ mentors/placements/ timesheets/
grading and system messages 

(only for their own organisation)
Create ePAD master templatesYes     

Create ePAD template
rom master template

Edit ePAD master templatesYes     
Edit ePAD templateYes     
Create/edit/deploy/ withdraw assessment forms
(only original form owners can edit deployed forms)

Access assessment/placement
and operational reports


(Assessment reports only)

Complete/edit/deploy/withdraw assessments YesYes
(for cohorts they are part of)
Transfer completed forms/assessmentsYesYes    
Mark student assessments for cohorts they are part of  YesYesYes 
Release ’held’ resultsYesYesYesYesYes 
Upload resources YesYesYes  
Access item bank reports      
View students in review mode YesYes
(for cohorts they are part of)
(for cohorts they are part of)
(for cohorts they are part of)
Respond to assessments deployed to their cohort     Yes
View feedback from tutors     Yes
Email their tutors directly     Yes
Re-deploy an assessment to themselves for their mobile devices     Yes