Learn.UQ Quizzes, Tests and Exams Online Workshop

4. Create a Pool


Pools are recommended as they are a bank of questions that can be: reused repeatedly in multiple assessments, not visible to students and exported from one course and imported into another for reuse.

Tests can be created directly to Content Area (Learning Resources and Assessment), but a pool question must be included in a test before being deployed. For simple tests, staff could create the test and add questions into it.

For more information, refer to the Create a Pool guide.

Task to complete

Create a Pool

  1. From the Control Panel, select Course Tools > Tests, Surveys and Pools > Pools.
  2. Click on Build Pool.
  3. Enter "Test Pool [your full name]" into the Name textbox.
  4. Click on the Submit button.


This quiz was created using H5P.